How to Use a Flea Comb for Dogs

How to Use a Flea Comb for Dogs
My pup has recently made friends with a bunch of stray kittens. Since then, she has been scratching her neck as rapidly as the Chun-Li kick. Is your pup the same way? There is a good chance that your puppy has also contracted fleas the same as mine.

While there are plenty of options to get rid of fleas, I don’t want to rely on medicated dips and chewable flea killers just yet. Although these products are effective, my furbaby might be too young to handle the side effects.

So, I learned how to use a flea comb for dogs to lower her chances of suffering secondary health issues caused by fleas. If your puppy has also become a host to these bloodsucking freeloaders, you should know how to use a flea comb for dogs.

What is a Flea Comb?

As the name implies, a flea comb is a handheld grooming tool that offers a safe and affordable way to provide your dog with prompt relief from flea bites.

Unlike regular dog combs, it has tightly-spaced teeth – so small it can collect fleas, flea eggs, and flea dirt. The teeth of the comb can also pick up dander and debris from your pet’s fur.

A flea comb is a great way to control fleas if you are apprehensive with chemicals and its possible side effects. Since it is non-toxic, you can safely use it on young kittens and puppies.

Combing your pet with this tool will not perform as thorough a job as oral pills and spot-on treatments, such as NexGard and Frontline for Dogs. However, a flea comb is a fantastic product to use in conjunction with your current anti-flea treatment.

You see, topical anti-flea products contain Fipronil that attacks the central nervous system. This active ingredient makes fleas hyperactive, causing them to run for the hills. As a result, the itching intensifies, and that’s where a flea comb is handy. Running a flea comb through your pet’s fur can take your dog out of its misery.

Where Should I Use a Flea Comb?

furminator for dog

You may accidentally cast away flea eggs on your carpeted floor or upholstery furniture. For that reason, it is best to flea comb your dog inside the bathtub.

You may also use a large, plastic washbowl if you don’t have a tub.

If you do knock off some fleas, you can wash those pesky bloodsuckers down the drain or bathe your dog with a flea shampoo afterward.

Moreover, sensitive pet parents and people with high hygienic demands can also try such disposable combs. Combing will take less time, and you’ll be able to throw the used comb at once.

How to Use a Flea Comb for Dogs

First, you need to buy a flea comb for your canine companion. Don’t even think of borrowing one from your friend!

Ideally, each pet should have its flea comb. There are many options in the market, but I prefer to use Safari Flea Comb with Double Row Design.

I have to agree with professional groomers that this is the best flea comb to beat.

Pick a location
Choose a suitable location for your dog’s flea combing sessions. While many recommend that you do it outdoors, I suggest otherwise. Fleas can survive two to three months without a meal.

Your dog might contract the same fleas you knocked loose. I suggest you do the combing inside the bathroom and have your dog sit in the bathtub or in a large plastic washbowl.

Prepare your pooch
Brush away tangles and matted fur from your dog with a slick brush. Your furry pal should be free of knots before you decide to use a flea comb.

Otherwise, you will find the flea comb challenging to use and cause irritation or pain to your dog if the comb is stuck.

Prepare your pooch
Gather all the necessary items
Before you start combing, you should fill a bucket halfway with hot sudsy water. Use dishwashing liquid to create the soapsuds. This mixture will serve as a holding spot for the fleas that you will remove during the combing process. Be sure to use a deep bucket to prevent those desperate buggers from jumping out.

Next, gather old newspapers. Dip the newspapers quickly into the mixture and scatter them underneath the tub or basin; this way, you can trap flea dirt that may drop off your pet. Bring your dog’s anti-flea shampoo if you are planning to bathe Doggo afterward.

Comb in the direction of the fur
Brush your furry pal, starting with the head and neck, and make sure you press the comb lightly against the skin to remove fleas, flea eggs, dirt, and dander. Leave no patch of fur uncombed. Fleas like to hang out at the base of the ear.

Don’t wait for the flea comb to fill up. Dip the comb frequently into the soap and water mixture to remove any fleas or flea eggs that may have been trapped. Likewise, rinse the comb as soon dander has accumulated.

Next, move towards the back and tail. You will also need to include the armpits, tummy area, and near the groin. Finally, check your dog’s paws. Fleas will scurry around as they attempt to hide. Repeat the process a couple of times, provided your dog tolerates the attention.

Let the soap and water mixture stand for 15 minutes to make sure all the fleas have drowned inside the bucket. Drain or dump the contents, discard all the newspapers used, and wash the bucket and flea comb thoroughly.

What is Flea Dirt?

Search Flea DirtFlea feces, also known as flea dirt, appear like black pepper grains. Since these grains are digested blood, it will turn red when squashed.

Seeing a bunch of flea dirt across your dog’s fur is a tell-tale sign that your pet has contracted fleas.

Can I Use a Flea Comb for Other Pets?

You can use a flea comb on cats, rabbits, rats, and other furry pets.

A flea comb is an excellent choice for the removal and identification of fleas in small pets that cannot use typical flea products due to their size and skin sensitivity.

Can a Flea Comb Fight a Flea Infestation?

Flea Infestation
A flea comb may not kill fleas on contact, but being able to identify the presence of fleas is also critical.

Early identification can prevent a full-blown flea infestation.

Nevertheless, you will need to use the flea comb regularly since you cannot remove all the fleas in one sitting.

Bear in mind that you will need to perform other countermeasures to eliminate fleas 100% in your pet and home.

How Often Should I Flea Comb My Dog?

Flea Comb My DogIf you live in a woody area, you may need to use a flea comb a couple of times a week. Fleas lurk in areas with an excessive amount of grass, bushes, or trees.

Your dog may pick up fleas during playtime outdoors. Therefore, it is worth checking your pet’s fur afterward.

As for me, I comb my puppy every night before she goes to bed to ensure that I am proactive with my flea control.

If you are using a spot-on treatment, you may use a flea comb only once a week.

What Should I Do if a Flea Comb Won’t Suffice?

If fleas always attack your pet, you need to launch an all-out assault against them. Most of the time, this strategy includes vacuuming all the nooks and crannies of your home.

A spot-on treatment is also necessary. A single female flea can lay 40 eggs per day, which sometimes hide in furniture, dog bedding, and carpeted surfaces. You may also need to treat your yard.


Flea combing can be a fun and fruitful way to bond with our canine companions. When done correctly, a good-quality comb can identify an early infestation or prevent its occurrence in the first place.

Try pairing the activity with praise and yummy treats so that Doggo and Pupper will always look forward to flea combing sessions. Since a flea comb is non-toxic, you can use it for your other pets.

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